Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation : Pioneering Hope for Fertility Preservation

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation is an innovative technology at the forefront of fertility preservation. Whether due to a cancer diagnosis or other medical conditions, this advanced technique allows patients to preserve their fertility and plan for a family in the future. Mount Sinai Fertility, a leader in the field, provides cutting-edge solutions,  program led by MD, Dr. Jennia Michaeli,expert embryologists MSc Madison Erb, and PhD Chidambra Halari. . This article explores the benefits of tissue cryopreservation, the process involved, and how it can help those on the path to parenthood.

Understanding Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation

What is Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation?

Ovarian tissue cryopreservation involves freezing and storing reproductive tissue—at ultra-low temperatures for future use. This process is crucial for individuals undergoing treatments like chemotherapy, radiation or surgery, which may compromise their fertility. By preserving tissue before treatment, patients have the opportunity to use their own genetic material when they are ready to start a family.

Key Benefits:

Urgent : Offers a viable option for those at risk of infertility due to necessary medical treatments and do not have time to freeze eggs.

No lower age limit: Can be offered to very young children and adolescents who are unable to freeze eggs for physiological reasons.

Highly successful: Comparable live birth rate outcomes to freezing oocytes or embryos.

How Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation Works

The cryopreservation process begins with the  surgical removal of the ovary in a laparoscopic surgery at one of the hospitals close to the patient’s location.. Tissue is transferred within the first 24h to the embryology lab at MSF, and carefully processed into small fragments by the expert embryologists, and followed by a cooling process to prevent ice crystal formation, which could damage the cells. The tissue is then stored in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -196°C for many years.  until the  patient is ready to  conceive.

The Role of MSF cryopreservation experts team in advancing science

An expert team leads the Tissue Cryopreservation Program at MSH, including Dr. Jennia Michaeli MD, Dr. Scot Hamilton PhD, Pat Chronis-Brown MSc, Chidambra Halari PhD, Madison Erb MSc, all international leaders in the field. In addition to providing outstanding clinical care, the team also conducts meaningful research focused on improving the survival of frozen-thawed  ovarian tissue and optimizing the fertility outcomes for patients.  MSF Tissue Cryopreservation Program’s work is not only a beacon of hope for those facing fertility loss but also a significant contribution to the field of oncofertility.

A future of possibilities is offered at Mount Sinai Fertility

Mount Sinai Fertility offers a comprehensive array of fertility preservation options for urgent and elective indications to individuals of all genders. This story focuses on the innovative technology of Ovarian Tissue cryopreservation that was recently introduced at MSF and  provides  new possibilities to individuals with limited choices at stressful times of their cancer diagnosis. With dedicated physicians and embryology experts Mount Sinai Fertility is a leader in oncofertility care.