Cycle Monitoring uses blood tests and ultrasounds to track the patient’s uterine lining, follicle development and ovulation. Cycle Monitoring is performed in conjunction with timed intercourse, IUI (intrauterine Insemination), IVF (in-vitro fertilization), fertility preservation, egg freezing and frozen embryo transfer cycles. The number of visits and timing of visits vary with each cycle type and each individual. Some monitoring may be done using urinary ovulation sticks.
Cycle Monitoring

Check-In With Reception
Always bring your health card to each appointment.

You may or may not be scheduled for bloodwork; this depends on your treatment cycle. The phlebotomist will call you from the waiting room and bring you into the lab. Be sure to wear a short-sleeve shirt or a top with loose-fitting sleeves that can be rolled up. No fasting is required.

A physician or sonographer will perform an internal ultrasound. Following the ultrasound, you can get changed and proceed to see the nursing team. You may or may not be scheduled for an ultrasound.
Getting Changed for Ultrasound:
Downtown & North York Location: If you had bloodwork, you will proceed from the lab into the ultrasound change room. Unless otherwise arranged, you will need to change into the hospital gowns provided for an internal ultrasound. Please put on two gowns, the first to cover your front (ties in the back) and the second to cover your back (ties in the front). A greeter will bring you from the change room to the ultrasound room. Before going to the ultrasound room, you will be given an opportunity to empty your bladder and remove any menstrual hygiene products. If you need to make other arrangements regarding changing into hospital gowns, please speak to one of the staff.
Mississauga Location: If you had bloodwork, you will proceed from the lab into the waiting room. The sonographer will call you from the waiting room into the Ultrasound room where you will be provided with a gown to change into in the room.
Vaughan Location: You will proceed from the Mount Sinai Fertility clinic to the Ultrasound clinic located on the same floor. You will check in with reception at the Ultrasound clinic and they will bring you into a room. Following your ultrasound appointment, you will proceed back to the MSF clinic to see the nursing team.
Getting Changed for Ultrasound:
Clinic staff will direct you to where you can get changed. Before going to the ultrasound room, you will be given the opportunity to empty your bladder and remove any menstrual hygiene products. If you need to make any other arrangements regarding changing into hospital gowns, please speak to one of our staff.

Nursing Consultation
Following your ultrasound, you will meet with a member of the nursing team to review cycle instructions, receive any required prescriptions and to book your next appointment. The nursing team may also follow-up with you later in the day with further instructions after your bloodwork and ultrasound results have been reviewed with the care team.
Appointments are scheduled daily in the early morning. This allows for our results to be returned to our care team by mid-day for decisions to be made and communicated to you in the afternoon. During a typical cycle monitoring appointment, you can expect to make the following stops: